Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Blue Mountains

A Kookaburra

Young  male kangaroo

A Goanna
Wentworth Falls
Leura, NSW, Australia

From the cable car
Through the glass floor of the cable car

A tree fern in the rainforest

The Three Sisters (who knew there were more?)

Our tour guide, taking a picture of one of our fellow travellers sitting with legs hanging over the edge!
No thanks!!!
Flat Rock

I don't know if any of my pictures will do these spectacular mountains justice! Not like our mountains in the Pacific Northwest, but sandstone mountains with beautiful cliffs and formations. We were lucky to go on a beautiful day, weather wise, and it was gorgeous. We had a a great Aussie tour guide named Les who knew a lot about the outdoors and had actually grown up in the Blue Mountains. A great day!!!

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