Friday, February 11, 2011

Eeeeeeeek! Bats!

 Oh my gosh...we went to dinner last night at a co-worker of Dave's place, just a little east of the city. Right after we got there, it was dusk and we heard this screeching coming from outside. Our hosts said, oh yeah, it's the bats. They come out at dusk fly around to different trees looking for food. So we went upstairs, and watched them flying around, right outside the house!!! From palm tree to palm tree! And they were BIG! The only bats I have ever seen have been a lot smaller than this. When they flew, they looked about the size of a crow. Yikes!!!
Our dinner was fantastic. Fish, fish and more fish. And lots of wine. I mean LOTS of wine. And chocolate suffle for dessert. I just knew I would like this place! Dave even got an invite to golf. What a great night1

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