Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back in Sydney

We returned to Sydney late Friday night, the 6th of May. On Sunday we took a ferry up the river to Paramatta. It took about an hour to get there, and the river kept getting narrower and narrower. We got off the ferry, had some pizza and a beer, and got back on another ferry to get back into Sydney. On the way home we got to see some city lights, since it was dark by then. Very pretty.
I have started to pack up a little this week! I am coming home next week, May 18. Dave will be staying another month here in Sydney and will be doing some travelling. I am looking forward to getting home and seeing everyone and going back to work and tennis! Hopefully my ankle will keep getting better, it is still sore from my fall a couple of weeks ago.
Our plans for the next few days include dinner tonight with Eaton folks from Seattle, dinner Monday night with Australian co-worker of Dave's (it is also our 30th anniversary!),organ concert at the cathedral on Sunday and maybe a trip to the Blue Mountains on Saturday with Dave, since he has not been there. The weather here has gotten quite a bit cooler, with highs around 60, lows in the 50's and windy. Probably doesn't sound too bad to everyone back home! It hasn't been raining, just colder. It could be pretty cold in the mountains over the weekend.

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