Monday, May 16, 2011

Our 30th Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday, May 16, was our anniversary. It doesn't seem possible that we have been married for 30 years! Valley Community Presbyterian Church in Beaverton, honeymoon in Hawaii...seems like about 5 years ago. But a couple of great things have come our way during these 30 years, namely two beautiful girls. Kristin and Katy are the best and I can't wait to get home to see them! Kristin has added another member to our family, our son-in-law David, and we are very proud to have him as a member of our family, too. We are extremely lucky to have such a wonderful family and extended family as well. We love you all!!!
We had a great anniversary dinner at a reataurant called Altitude, on the top floor of a hotel with a gorgeous view of Sydney Harbour, including the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. It was a great way to celebrate.
The dessert was really good, too!!!!!

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