Monday, April 25, 2011

The Grand Pacific Drive & Wollongong

On Sunday (Easter) after church we decided to take the car out for a drive south along the coast to Wollongong. First we took the train to Dave's office for a little tour and to pick up the car. A Ford Falcon!!! We headed south on Prince's Highway through the Royal National Park. At Bald Hill, the road begins hugging the coast. It was a beautiful view from Bald Hill.  We had a very difficult time stopping for pictures because all the of turnouts were jam-packed with cars and people. We made it to Wollongong in about 2 hours and had a late lunch there, before heading back to Sydney. The photos are of the beach and cove in Wollongong.

We had to get dessert, of course!!!
And it was GOOD!!!
These last 2 pictures are Dave's "artisitic" shots as the sun was setting...

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