Monday, April 11, 2011

Queenstown to Hokitika, New Zealand

This was a very long day in the car! We decided to drive back to Christchurch via the west coast of New Zealand, just to see a bit more of the country. We were told that you had to have patience to complete this drive, and, boy, is that true. It was beautiful, especially between Queenstown and Makarora, with big lakes and beautiful scenery. But we started the day in Queenstown at a cool little church, quite a difference from the cathedral in Sydney!
Isn't that cute?
Lake Hawea
We made it to the Tasman Sea! Yay!!!

We spent the night in Hokitika right on the water. There were some interesting shops there...I'm just kicking myself that I didn't go back in the daylight and get a picture of The Possum Shop! Yep, I mean POSSUM!!!
There were actually clothes made from Possum fur (? is it called fur??) and there were stuffed possums in the windows as displays. Yikes!!! Actually, I did see some sweaters and blankets in the airport that were made from wool and possum. Maybe this is a possible new business in the US? We do have lots of possums...

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