Friday, March 4, 2011

Melbourne - Yarra Valley Winery Tour

On Sunday, February 27, we travelled to Melbourne. Dave took a day off on Monday and we all went on a tour to the Yarra Valley to visit some wineries and see some of the country. We visited 4 wineries, one of which, Chardon, is famous for champagne. We met some fun people on the tour, especially 2 couples from New Zealand and a mom and son from New Orleans. The son is studying here in Australia for a semester. The tour guide was Australian and teaches in a local university about wine!! It was a very fun day!!!

Our tour group at lunch
One thing that they do in the wineries in Australia is they plant a rose bush at the end of each row of grapes. The color of the rose indicates the type of grape in that row. I haven't been to the Yamhill Valley very recently, but I don't remember the wineries there doing this. The wine makers look for diseases on the roses as a precourser to diseases on the grapes. Interesting!!!

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